Thursday, June 18, 2009

Another hello....

Well, I am in Seattle (as my earlier post mentioned) and here is blogging plan…
I am finding out that only having 30 minute breaks between sessions, I barely have enough time to look at my notes, much less find a hotspot and transfer my barely legible notes to the blog. I am also encountering an internet problem – there is no Wi-Fi in any of the meeting rooms or common areas. Americans for the Arts did set-up a cyber cafĂ© for participants to check their mail or do other web-based work, but there are 1200 participants here and only 12 computers. Needless to say, my earlier post is about as much info as I could get out without feeling like I wasn’t being fair to the people in line behind me. So my new plan is…take great notes and update the blog at the end of the day, where I will use my $12.95 a day internet connection at the hotel. Separate posts will be labeled by session and will include my notes, sometimes a short reflection and my general impressions of each lecture/conversation. I am also including links to any websites presenters referred participants to, or were mentioned during conversations. As I review my notes and reflect on the convention, I may also update posts or add new ones.

If you have any thoughts or questions, just post them in the comments section to start a dialogue with the group!

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